3D Sunflower 4of July Bundle


3D Sunflower 4of July Bundle

3D Sunflower 4of July Bundle

3D Sunflower 4of July Bundle

3D Sunflower 4of July Bundle(6 sunflowers) .For paper or laser cutting and sublimation on t-shirts,mugs or others surfaces.
You get:
Sunflower1 -6 layers;
Sunflower2 -5 layers;
Sunflower3 -7 layers;
Sunflower4 -4 layers;
Sunflower5 -6 layers;
Sunflower6 -5 layers.
Zip archive includes:
1.6 DXF files;
2.6 SVG files;
3.6 EPS10 files;
4.6 PSD files 300 dpi on transparent background, RGB;
5.6 JPG files 300 dpi on white, RGB;
6.6 PDF files 300 dpi on a transparent background, RGB;
7.6 PNG files 300 dpi on transparent background, RGB;
8.Plus a separate files folders with thin black lines for hand cutting(JPG,PNG).
The size of the artboard for the each sunflowers is 4000x4000pixels.


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